Teaching Thinking (Book) Edward De Bono
Suatu perasaan tidak senang atau yang menyebabkan rasa mara terhadap seseorang atau sesuatu yang dianggap sebagai punca kecederaan atau cacimakian; menyebabkan orang berasa marah; merengsakan.
Ayat: Thinking is a most awkward subject to handle. It always involves resenment.
Sifat peribadi, watak, dan kecenderungan sepertimana yang ditonjolkan melalui perbuatannya.
Ayat: The fundamental human thinking operations seem very similar, even though the overlying temperament and behaviour may be different.
3. Sage. (Orang yang bijaksana; bijakpandai)
One venerated for experience, judgment, and wisdom.
Orang yang muktabar, terhormat atas pengalaman, penghakiman, dan kebijaksanaan.
Ayat: I had been led to believe by various sages in the education field that teachers and heads would resent (marah, tersinggung) any attempt to treat thinking as a skill.
4. Innate. (Asli)
Existing naturally or by heredity rather than being learned through experience
Wujud secara semulajadi atau melalui perwarisan; bukan pembelajaran melalui pengalaman.
Ayat: On the contrary, there has been a very positive response, based on a feeling that thinking skill was not quite the same as accumulation of knowledge or innate intelligence.
5. Absurd. (Tidak masuk akal)
Extremely unreasonable, incongruous, or inappropriate
Sangat tidak masuk akal, tidak layak/sesuai atau tidak sepatutnya.
Ayat: It would be absurd to pretend that only newness had value.
6. Eschewing. (Menghindari)
To avoid using, accepting, participating in, or partaking of; to refrain; abstain from
Untuk mengelakkan menggunakan, menerima, menyertai atau mengambil bahagian; menahan diri; menjauhkan diri.
Ayat: I see no reason for eschewing those aspects upon which most people agreed.
7. Intrigue. (Muslihat; tipu daya)
A secret or underhand scheme; a plot.
Suatu rahsia atau skim yang tersembunyi; suatu perancangan muslihat.
Ayat: Above all I wanted to avoid the sort of book which might intrigue the reader.
8. Pompous. (Sombong; angkuh)
Exaggeratedly or ostentatiously dignified or self-important.
Membesar-besarkan dengan berlebihan atau berlebih megah atau megah diri.
Ayat: We would call it 'cognitive studies' but that would be jargon and pompous.
9. Complacent. (Berpuas hati)
Satisfied with the current situation and unconcerned with changing it, often to the point of smugness
Berpuas hati dengan situasi semasa dan tidak mengendahkan akan sebarang perubahan padanya, selalunya ke arah kesombongan.
Ayat: We are complacent.
10. Vague. [vaeg] (Samar-samar)
Not clear in meaning or expression; inexplicit
Tidak jelas maknanya atau zahirnya; tidak terang-terangan.
Ayat: On the surface of the earth, however, most situations are vague, interrelated, subjectively defined, shifting in value and dependant on human whims.
11. Whims. (Tingkah; ragam)
A sudden or capricious idea; a fancy.
Idea yang tiba-tiba, mengejut dan berubah-ubah; bermacam-macam.
Ayat: On the surface of the earth, however, most situations are vague, interrelated, subjectively defined, shifting in value and dependant on human whims.
12. Adoration. (pemujaan)
The act of worship; profound love or regard.
Tindakan memuja, kecintaan yang mendasar.
Ayat: There are three reasons for our adoration of the critical intelligence.
13. Self-Contained. (serba lengkap)
Constituting a complete and independent unit in and of itself.
Mengandungi unit yang lengkap dan bebas di dalam dan padanya (sesuatu).
Ayat: Secondly, critical thinking allows us to work in the comfortable self-contained environment of the available data without having to worry about getting fresh data.
14. Ecclesiastical. [ek-li-sias-ti-kal] (bersifat kegerejaan)
Of or relating to a church, especially as an organized institution.
Berkaitan dengan gereja, terutamanya sebagai sebuah institusi berorganisasi.
Ayat: Thirdly, education was for a long time in the hands of the ecclesiastical authorities who founded most of our elite educational establishments and so established the traditions of education.
15. Edifices. [e-di-fi-ses] (bangunan-bangunan)
A building, especially one of imposing appearance or size
Suatu bangunan, terutamanya yang menonjolkan zahirnya atau saiznya.
Ayat: Critical thinking is of paramount importance in the ecclesiastical world since it is the only weapon against heresy (bid'ah) and deviation and since that world consists of concept edifices which must have internal validity if they are not to collapse.
16. Extol. (memuji dengan keagungan)
To praise highly, lavishly; exalt
Untuk memuji dengan tinggi, keagungan, memperdewakan.
Ayat: We rightly extol scholarship because scholarship is valuable and because scholars are what the system prides itself on producing.
17. Contemplative. (tafakkur, berfikir dalam)
Expressing or involving prolonged thought
Menunjukkan perasaan atau melibatkan di dalam keadaan berfikir panjang.
Ayat: But passive, contemplative thinking - nor matter how subtle (sin. delicate-halus) or acute (perih) - is not the same as generative thinking.
1. Resentment. (Kebencian; rasa geram)
A feeling of displeasure or indignation at someone or something regarded as the cause of injury or insult; pique; irritation.Suatu perasaan tidak senang atau yang menyebabkan rasa mara terhadap seseorang atau sesuatu yang dianggap sebagai punca kecederaan atau cacimakian; menyebabkan orang berasa marah; merengsakan.
Ayat: Thinking is a most awkward subject to handle. It always involves resenment.
2. Temperament. (watak, sifat)
An individual's character, disposition, and tendencies as revealed in his reactions.Sifat peribadi, watak, dan kecenderungan sepertimana yang ditonjolkan melalui perbuatannya.
Ayat: The fundamental human thinking operations seem very similar, even though the overlying temperament and behaviour may be different.
3. Sage. (Orang yang bijaksana; bijakpandai)
One venerated for experience, judgment, and wisdom.
Orang yang muktabar, terhormat atas pengalaman, penghakiman, dan kebijaksanaan.
Ayat: I had been led to believe by various sages in the education field that teachers and heads would resent (marah, tersinggung) any attempt to treat thinking as a skill.
4. Innate. (Asli)
Existing naturally or by heredity rather than being learned through experience
Wujud secara semulajadi atau melalui perwarisan; bukan pembelajaran melalui pengalaman.
Ayat: On the contrary, there has been a very positive response, based on a feeling that thinking skill was not quite the same as accumulation of knowledge or innate intelligence.
5. Absurd. (Tidak masuk akal)
Extremely unreasonable, incongruous, or inappropriate
Sangat tidak masuk akal, tidak layak/sesuai atau tidak sepatutnya.
Ayat: It would be absurd to pretend that only newness had value.
6. Eschewing. (Menghindari)
To avoid using, accepting, participating in, or partaking of; to refrain; abstain from
Untuk mengelakkan menggunakan, menerima, menyertai atau mengambil bahagian; menahan diri; menjauhkan diri.
Ayat: I see no reason for eschewing those aspects upon which most people agreed.
7. Intrigue. (Muslihat; tipu daya)
A secret or underhand scheme; a plot.
Suatu rahsia atau skim yang tersembunyi; suatu perancangan muslihat.
Ayat: Above all I wanted to avoid the sort of book which might intrigue the reader.
8. Pompous. (Sombong; angkuh)
Exaggeratedly or ostentatiously dignified or self-important.
Membesar-besarkan dengan berlebihan atau berlebih megah atau megah diri.
Ayat: We would call it 'cognitive studies' but that would be jargon and pompous.
9. Complacent. (Berpuas hati)
Satisfied with the current situation and unconcerned with changing it, often to the point of smugness
Berpuas hati dengan situasi semasa dan tidak mengendahkan akan sebarang perubahan padanya, selalunya ke arah kesombongan.
Ayat: We are complacent.
10. Vague. [vaeg] (Samar-samar)
Not clear in meaning or expression; inexplicit
Tidak jelas maknanya atau zahirnya; tidak terang-terangan.
Ayat: On the surface of the earth, however, most situations are vague, interrelated, subjectively defined, shifting in value and dependant on human whims.
11. Whims. (Tingkah; ragam)
A sudden or capricious idea; a fancy.
Idea yang tiba-tiba, mengejut dan berubah-ubah; bermacam-macam.
Ayat: On the surface of the earth, however, most situations are vague, interrelated, subjectively defined, shifting in value and dependant on human whims.
12. Adoration. (pemujaan)
The act of worship; profound love or regard.
Tindakan memuja, kecintaan yang mendasar.
Ayat: There are three reasons for our adoration of the critical intelligence.
13. Self-Contained. (serba lengkap)
Constituting a complete and independent unit in and of itself.
Mengandungi unit yang lengkap dan bebas di dalam dan padanya (sesuatu).
Ayat: Secondly, critical thinking allows us to work in the comfortable self-contained environment of the available data without having to worry about getting fresh data.
14. Ecclesiastical. [ek-li-sias-ti-kal] (bersifat kegerejaan)
Of or relating to a church, especially as an organized institution.
Berkaitan dengan gereja, terutamanya sebagai sebuah institusi berorganisasi.
Ayat: Thirdly, education was for a long time in the hands of the ecclesiastical authorities who founded most of our elite educational establishments and so established the traditions of education.
15. Edifices. [e-di-fi-ses] (bangunan-bangunan)
A building, especially one of imposing appearance or size
Suatu bangunan, terutamanya yang menonjolkan zahirnya atau saiznya.
Ayat: Critical thinking is of paramount importance in the ecclesiastical world since it is the only weapon against heresy (bid'ah) and deviation and since that world consists of concept edifices which must have internal validity if they are not to collapse.
16. Extol. (memuji dengan keagungan)
To praise highly, lavishly; exalt
Untuk memuji dengan tinggi, keagungan, memperdewakan.
Ayat: We rightly extol scholarship because scholarship is valuable and because scholars are what the system prides itself on producing.
17. Contemplative. (tafakkur, berfikir dalam)
Expressing or involving prolonged thought
Menunjukkan perasaan atau melibatkan di dalam keadaan berfikir panjang.
Ayat: But passive, contemplative thinking - nor matter how subtle (sin. delicate-halus) or acute (perih) - is not the same as generative thinking.
Archway Affect:
"If a stream of brilliant people go towards an archway, then from that archway will emerge a stream of brilliant people, even if the archway has done no more than straddle their passage."
Konsep Generative Thinking:
"Generative thinking is concerned with bringing things about and solving problems. Generative thinking is practical, creative and constructive. Generative thinking has to deal with the world and take action, even if, the knowledge is incomplete. Generative thinking cannot ask the world to wait while it applies itself in scholarly fashion to generating that sufficiency of knowledge on which action can properly be based."
Kata Untuk Difikirkan Matematik membuatkan kita berfikir, tetapi...:
"Where we can use mathematics it is superb thinking system. But getting to the moon is easier than solving urban poverty, juvenile deliquency or even a simple strike."
Kata Untuk Difikirkan (Edward) Tuhan tidak memerlukan untuk befikir, akan tetapi...:
"God does not need to think: thinking is used only to supplement inadequate knowledge. Too often there is a god-like attitude in education. If only we could increase knowledge then we would throw out doubt, indecision and problems."
Kata Untuk Difikirkan Pendidikan hanya ajarkan pengetahuan, kerana tiada apa lagi yang dapat diajarkan...:
"Education teaches knowledge because there is nothing else to teach. But knowledge is no more a subtitute for thinking than thinking is a subtitute for knowledge."
Analogi Salah tanggap tentang kemahiran berfikir:
"We often mistake fluency and argumentation for thinking skill. Fluency and the power of coherent expression are tools of thinking, not thinking itself. Error-free thinking is not necessarily good thinking, as will be discussed in detail later. Very able pupils usually react to an idea by making an initial judgement ('I like it', 'It will never work', and so on). They then use reason and skilled argument to back up initial judgement. The argument may be flawless, yet the thinking may be appalling beacuse it includes those major perceptual errors of looking at only part of the situations or ignoring the magnitude of effects. We also confuse debating skills with thinking: 'I can prove you wrong, therefore I am right.'"
"If a stream of brilliant people go towards an archway, then from that archway will emerge a stream of brilliant people, even if the archway has done no more than straddle their passage."
Konsep Generative Thinking:
"Generative thinking is concerned with bringing things about and solving problems. Generative thinking is practical, creative and constructive. Generative thinking has to deal with the world and take action, even if, the knowledge is incomplete. Generative thinking cannot ask the world to wait while it applies itself in scholarly fashion to generating that sufficiency of knowledge on which action can properly be based."
Kata Untuk Difikirkan Matematik membuatkan kita berfikir, tetapi...:
"Where we can use mathematics it is superb thinking system. But getting to the moon is easier than solving urban poverty, juvenile deliquency or even a simple strike."
Kata Untuk Difikirkan (Edward) Tuhan tidak memerlukan untuk befikir, akan tetapi...:
"God does not need to think: thinking is used only to supplement inadequate knowledge. Too often there is a god-like attitude in education. If only we could increase knowledge then we would throw out doubt, indecision and problems."
Kata Untuk Difikirkan Pendidikan hanya ajarkan pengetahuan, kerana tiada apa lagi yang dapat diajarkan...:
"Education teaches knowledge because there is nothing else to teach. But knowledge is no more a subtitute for thinking than thinking is a subtitute for knowledge."
Analogi Salah tanggap tentang kemahiran berfikir:
"We often mistake fluency and argumentation for thinking skill. Fluency and the power of coherent expression are tools of thinking, not thinking itself. Error-free thinking is not necessarily good thinking, as will be discussed in detail later. Very able pupils usually react to an idea by making an initial judgement ('I like it', 'It will never work', and so on). They then use reason and skilled argument to back up initial judgement. The argument may be flawless, yet the thinking may be appalling beacuse it includes those major perceptual errors of looking at only part of the situations or ignoring the magnitude of effects. We also confuse debating skills with thinking: 'I can prove you wrong, therefore I am right.'"
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