Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir dan Batin!
Ah, it has been quite a while, never write pretty much anything since 2015!
Anyway, it feels good to be back, Yeah! Alrighty then, I want to make things clear now. First, I am sorry because after this, I will write in non-academician/scholar tone. (I tried to be scholarly, but I can't help myself to liberate my inner self) In fact, you gotta be free right? Plus, I will use both English and Malay interchangeably as I please. Hehe, I warn ya! Bahasa rojak, or whatever you call it, I'm using it. This is a blog, not a journal. Muahaha.
I'll writing more crazy stuffs. I wish I can keep this promise. Oh, before I go further, let me tell you what drives me to re-blogging. Honestly, I almost abandoned it, as I have no more idea what to tell/write about.
The reason is: Shingeki no Kyojin!
As you can see on top of the homepage (the banner), I put faces of two characters of Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan (will abbreviated as SnK afterward) if you know, Levi Ackerman and Erwin Smith (the dude in the middle is something else-LOL) as long as I'm not replacing it. I also put a picture of costume player of Survey Corps uniform (Chosa Heidan) with the emblem replace with my varsity's emblem as currently I so much inspired by the series in order to survive the world of academia. SnK made me come back to write.
Well, SnK is nothing new if you're an otaku. Prior to SnK, I watched Naruto but I no longer interested (up to 151th episode - where Naruto and Sasuke battle each other) to Shippuden series, and quit because the dramatic change of Kishimoto's artwork. I felt like someone else is drawing it.
Since then I'm not really watching or reading any sort of manga/anime, and I felt I'm too old for that. But in 2013, once again, I 'infected' with anime. I hope this is final and the last anime I ever watched/read. Anime can be inspiring but at the same time can be depressing as well. My friend, by the name Qayyum, came into my room and opened his laptop without explanation and the word he just said was. "You better watch this. You'll gonna like it." He is a hardcore otaku, he always brag so much about his favourite anime, but nothing come to my attention. This was in 2013.
That's was the first episode of SnK. IT WAS SUPER AWESOME. The story was COOL, the effects are COOL, the soundtrack is SUPER COOL! Who can resist to hear the full opening of WIR SIND DIE JAEGER? Tell me!!! It is a story of human struggle to fight monstrous "titan" that corner humanity into annihilation! However, as the anime progresses, this anime is really something else.
Hear this: If you find any character that is kind, cheerful and you start to like them, and guess what, they'll die.
Because of the dramatic storyline of the series, I decided to watch until episode 15, because the first season anime released only 25 episodes in total, that is reserving 10 more episodes until I have the feel to watch it. The season 2 of the series is confirmed to be released in Summer 2017! Therefore like this blog, I almost abandoned it, and didn't follow the story until June 2016.
It was because I'm sick to hear rumours that circulated over time that - Armin Arlert - yes, my ultimate favourite character died. I brave myself to read the Chapter 82, and I almost in denial that Armin Arlert killed fighting the Colossal Titan. I mean, how can someone who started everything would die? Haha. I just can't accept that. It was at this point, I rewatched including the 10 episodes that I spared to get full understanding of the situation. Even Armin fate is to be like that, at least I would like to know that his life is worth to be sacrificed. Screw you, Isayama!
I even posted in facebook after reading 82:
"I'm sorry spoiler alert. I personally think that it would be a big and grave mistake for Hajime Isayama if Armin Arlert died in the chapter 82 battle. I know I am a huge fan of Armin (because of his characteristic: he started weak and inferiority complex but gradually developed, his speech is eloquent and full of meaning, his intelligence to deduce strategy both advantage and weakness impressing the higher up such as Commander Pixis, and his bravery which is complete change), he plays VERY important role not just as strategist (Erwin also a strategist who severely injured mean time, but for the main protagonist progress), Armin is central role and balance between the trio (Eren and Mikasa). He is the core element of both characters but EXCLUSIVELY for Eren. Having said that, based from reviews, predictions and speculations, again, as a big fan of Armin, still, all I can see the chances are this, 95% Armin will not survive and 5% chance he prevails. Here some several points: The 95%:
1. External factor: Isayama is known as non stranger in killing main characters without hesitate and second thought. Throughout the series a lot of significant characters died. Wanton and unpredictable ending of any characters is his style. (Don't be titan hearted, Isayama! Not to Armin! Onegai Shimasu)
2. Armin's death is remarks strategic victory to humanity, for the time being, although not being aware including Eren. (It's Armin plan all the way). Some people say his death would be necessary and defeating colossal titan come with a big price - Eren's most precious friend. He's willing to sacrifice his life to buy time for Eren to execute his plan.
3. Due to his severe injury. Albeit not conclusive yet, high probability he will not survive because his injuries, the extreme heat from the Titan that crippled him as (graphicallly) he burned out his upper body and falling from about 50 m on rooftop is way convincing after all.
4. His survival will somehow kinked the storyline as a whole and looked cheap. (According to some critics)
The 5% chance that Armin will survive: 1. His death is not conclusive yet. Rumours say that Isayama warns reader not to jump into conclusion whether he is dead or alive until the next chapter. (There's a little hope).
2. Serum. Speculation of pro-Armin put faith on the Serum to be injected to Armin's body. But. Few things to point out here. Only Levi heichou have it in posession. Theres hope. However, Levi is on his own battle and distant from the scene. Another thing is, Erwin also could be saved with the serum, but the question is, who will Levi choose to be saved, Erwin or Armin if that the case?
3. Miracle happens. (Who knows)
My point on why Armin must SURVIVE:
1. He is a god damn HERO.
2. He is undoubtedly important STRATEGIST. Humanity need this. He's ability to deduce enemy strenght and weakness as well as crafting battle plan is INEVITABLE.
3. He is NON REPLACEBLE of Eren's sidekick. He nurture the wise part in Eren's character development. YOU JUST CANNOT DENY THIS. Eren is full of spirit but with Armin by the side, it provide balance to drive eren's courage and his strength optimized (not waste to unecessary act). He inspire Eren the most, and in crucial time. This differ from Mikasa, because for her, Eren is her inspiration. (Tatakae!!!) During intense situation, Armin always calming down Mikasa not to overreact, when Eren get into trouble.
4. He just wanted to see the ocean. He promised Eren and Mikasa. (I cannot do this part, I'm sorry)
5. The good side of Isayama. Rumours says that fan's support on SnK is overwhelming and go deep into his heart to turn away the ending of the series from his early plan. He feels like he do not wanted to make the fan being massively dissapointed and broke their heart. YOU BETTER BE, ISAYAMA. I'M COUNTING ON YOU. ONEGAI SHIMASU!!!
6. There will be no Arlert as he is the last surviving family member.
7. I just hope miracle happens. The trio survive till the end. It will dull and somehow meaningless even if Eren manage to see the outside world and the OCEAN while grieving for his life time BEST FRIEND not see it alive. T.T WIR SIND DIE ARMIN
June 24th, 2016. "
I can't believed I wrote this, haha! Therefore, after this, I will make post about SnK exclusively about theories and prediction as well. While it still last. When I rewatched all the episodes, I find that this anime is also poetic, and the soundtrack is inspiring.
Here's some of my favourite quotes:
何も捨てることができない人には; 何も変えることはできないだろう
Nani mo suteru koto ga dekinai hitoni wa; Nani mo kaeru koto wa dekinai darou
Maksud: Sesiapa yang tidak dapat melepaskan semua perkara penting buatnya, maka dia tidak akan berjaya membuat sebarang perubahan."
- Armin Arlert
Kono sekai wa zankoku nanda...
Soshite...totemo utsukushi
Maksud: Dunia ini sangat kejam...
Namun, ianya indah...
- Mikasa Ackerman
Well, that's that. I will write more spoilers of SnK.
So, itu sahaja dari saya. Sekali lagi, selamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2016, moga segala ibadah, puasa dan doa kita disepanjang bulan Ramadhan yang lalu diterima Allah. Dan saya doakan kalian dimurahkan rezeki dan dipermudahkan segala urusan.
Until then, Assalamualaikum. Peace!
Ah, it has been quite a while, never write pretty much anything since 2015!
Anyway, it feels good to be back, Yeah! Alrighty then, I want to make things clear now. First, I am sorry because after this, I will write in non-academician/scholar tone. (I tried to be scholarly, but I can't help myself to liberate my inner self) In fact, you gotta be free right? Plus, I will use both English and Malay interchangeably as I please. Hehe, I warn ya! Bahasa rojak, or whatever you call it, I'm using it. This is a blog, not a journal. Muahaha.
I'll writing more crazy stuffs. I wish I can keep this promise. Oh, before I go further, let me tell you what drives me to re-blogging. Honestly, I almost abandoned it, as I have no more idea what to tell/write about.
The reason is: Shingeki no Kyojin!
As you can see on top of the homepage (the banner), I put faces of two characters of Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan (will abbreviated as SnK afterward) if you know, Levi Ackerman and Erwin Smith (the dude in the middle is something else-LOL) as long as I'm not replacing it. I also put a picture of costume player of Survey Corps uniform (Chosa Heidan) with the emblem replace with my varsity's emblem as currently I so much inspired by the series in order to survive the world of academia. SnK made me come back to write.
Well, SnK is nothing new if you're an otaku. Prior to SnK, I watched Naruto but I no longer interested (up to 151th episode - where Naruto and Sasuke battle each other) to Shippuden series, and quit because the dramatic change of Kishimoto's artwork. I felt like someone else is drawing it.
Since then I'm not really watching or reading any sort of manga/anime, and I felt I'm too old for that. But in 2013, once again, I 'infected' with anime. I hope this is final and the last anime I ever watched/read. Anime can be inspiring but at the same time can be depressing as well. My friend, by the name Qayyum, came into my room and opened his laptop without explanation and the word he just said was. "You better watch this. You'll gonna like it." He is a hardcore otaku, he always brag so much about his favourite anime, but nothing come to my attention. This was in 2013.
That's was the first episode of SnK. IT WAS SUPER AWESOME. The story was COOL, the effects are COOL, the soundtrack is SUPER COOL! Who can resist to hear the full opening of WIR SIND DIE JAEGER? Tell me!!! It is a story of human struggle to fight monstrous "titan" that corner humanity into annihilation! However, as the anime progresses, this anime is really something else.
Hear this: If you find any character that is kind, cheerful and you start to like them, and guess what, they'll die.
Because of the dramatic storyline of the series, I decided to watch until episode 15, because the first season anime released only 25 episodes in total, that is reserving 10 more episodes until I have the feel to watch it. The season 2 of the series is confirmed to be released in Summer 2017! Therefore like this blog, I almost abandoned it, and didn't follow the story until June 2016.
It was because I'm sick to hear rumours that circulated over time that - Armin Arlert - yes, my ultimate favourite character died. I brave myself to read the Chapter 82, and I almost in denial that Armin Arlert killed fighting the Colossal Titan. I mean, how can someone who started everything would die? Haha. I just can't accept that. It was at this point, I rewatched including the 10 episodes that I spared to get full understanding of the situation. Even Armin fate is to be like that, at least I would like to know that his life is worth to be sacrificed. Screw you, Isayama!
I even posted in facebook after reading 82:
"I'm sorry spoiler alert. I personally think that it would be a big and grave mistake for Hajime Isayama if Armin Arlert died in the chapter 82 battle. I know I am a huge fan of Armin (because of his characteristic: he started weak and inferiority complex but gradually developed, his speech is eloquent and full of meaning, his intelligence to deduce strategy both advantage and weakness impressing the higher up such as Commander Pixis, and his bravery which is complete change), he plays VERY important role not just as strategist (Erwin also a strategist who severely injured mean time, but for the main protagonist progress), Armin is central role and balance between the trio (Eren and Mikasa). He is the core element of both characters but EXCLUSIVELY for Eren. Having said that, based from reviews, predictions and speculations, again, as a big fan of Armin, still, all I can see the chances are this, 95% Armin will not survive and 5% chance he prevails. Here some several points: The 95%:
1. External factor: Isayama is known as non stranger in killing main characters without hesitate and second thought. Throughout the series a lot of significant characters died. Wanton and unpredictable ending of any characters is his style. (Don't be titan hearted, Isayama! Not to Armin! Onegai Shimasu)
2. Armin's death is remarks strategic victory to humanity, for the time being, although not being aware including Eren. (It's Armin plan all the way). Some people say his death would be necessary and defeating colossal titan come with a big price - Eren's most precious friend. He's willing to sacrifice his life to buy time for Eren to execute his plan.
3. Due to his severe injury. Albeit not conclusive yet, high probability he will not survive because his injuries, the extreme heat from the Titan that crippled him as (graphicallly) he burned out his upper body and falling from about 50 m on rooftop is way convincing after all.
4. His survival will somehow kinked the storyline as a whole and looked cheap. (According to some critics)
The 5% chance that Armin will survive: 1. His death is not conclusive yet. Rumours say that Isayama warns reader not to jump into conclusion whether he is dead or alive until the next chapter. (There's a little hope).
2. Serum. Speculation of pro-Armin put faith on the Serum to be injected to Armin's body. But. Few things to point out here. Only Levi heichou have it in posession. Theres hope. However, Levi is on his own battle and distant from the scene. Another thing is, Erwin also could be saved with the serum, but the question is, who will Levi choose to be saved, Erwin or Armin if that the case?
3. Miracle happens. (Who knows)
My point on why Armin must SURVIVE:
1. He is a god damn HERO.
2. He is undoubtedly important STRATEGIST. Humanity need this. He's ability to deduce enemy strenght and weakness as well as crafting battle plan is INEVITABLE.
3. He is NON REPLACEBLE of Eren's sidekick. He nurture the wise part in Eren's character development. YOU JUST CANNOT DENY THIS. Eren is full of spirit but with Armin by the side, it provide balance to drive eren's courage and his strength optimized (not waste to unecessary act). He inspire Eren the most, and in crucial time. This differ from Mikasa, because for her, Eren is her inspiration. (Tatakae!!!) During intense situation, Armin always calming down Mikasa not to overreact, when Eren get into trouble.
4. He just wanted to see the ocean. He promised Eren and Mikasa. (I cannot do this part, I'm sorry)
5. The good side of Isayama. Rumours says that fan's support on SnK is overwhelming and go deep into his heart to turn away the ending of the series from his early plan. He feels like he do not wanted to make the fan being massively dissapointed and broke their heart. YOU BETTER BE, ISAYAMA. I'M COUNTING ON YOU. ONEGAI SHIMASU!!!
6. There will be no Arlert as he is the last surviving family member.
7. I just hope miracle happens. The trio survive till the end. It will dull and somehow meaningless even if Eren manage to see the outside world and the OCEAN while grieving for his life time BEST FRIEND not see it alive. T.T WIR SIND DIE ARMIN
June 24th, 2016. "
I can't believed I wrote this, haha! Therefore, after this, I will make post about SnK exclusively about theories and prediction as well. While it still last. When I rewatched all the episodes, I find that this anime is also poetic, and the soundtrack is inspiring.
Here's some of my favourite quotes:
何も捨てることができない人には; 何も変えることはできないだろう
Nani mo suteru koto ga dekinai hitoni wa; Nani mo kaeru koto wa dekinai darou
Maksud: Sesiapa yang tidak dapat melepaskan semua perkara penting buatnya, maka dia tidak akan berjaya membuat sebarang perubahan."
- Armin Arlert

Kono sekai wa zankoku nanda...
Soshite...totemo utsukushi
Maksud: Dunia ini sangat kejam...
Namun, ianya indah...
- Mikasa Ackerman
Well, that's that. I will write more spoilers of SnK.
So, itu sahaja dari saya. Sekali lagi, selamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2016, moga segala ibadah, puasa dan doa kita disepanjang bulan Ramadhan yang lalu diterima Allah. Dan saya doakan kalian dimurahkan rezeki dan dipermudahkan segala urusan.
Until then, Assalamualaikum. Peace!
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