Selasa, 17 April 2012

bagaimana gula dipecahkan?

Hari-hari manusia makan gula, dan sememangnya gula itu wajib bagi semua benda yang hidup. Sebab, gula ini kandung tenaga. Pemecahan gula akan membebaskan tenga. Dan tenaga ini diguna supaya kita boleh bergerak dan sebagainya. Jadi bagaimana gula ini dipecahkan sebenarnya dalam badan? Jadi sebelum kita masuk tajuk ini lebih dalam, ada sedikit perkara yang nak dikongsikan. Apa yang saya belajar selama ini iaitu tentang gula dan asid amino-ia sudah mentah-mentah menolak idea neo-darwinisme yang mendakwa bahawa penciptaan ini adalah berlaku secara tidak sengaja dan sendirinya "by chance". Namun jika benar-benar kita kaji cukuplah dengan asid amino dan gula asas itu sendiri jelas membuktikan bahawa penciptaan segala makhluk di alam ini bersistem, teratur, yakni ada kuasa yang mengawalnya dan tiap-tiap benda tercipta punyai peranan yang tersendiri.

Jadi, masuk tajuk gula. Gula apabila kita konsume, sel akan cuba tangkap molekul gula ini. Jadi, untuk memudahkan kerjanyamenangkap gula ini masuk kedalam sitoplasma, satu enzim bernama hexokinase akan tambahkan P-fosforus pada gula menyebabkan ia menjadi elektronegatif. Maka, bila sudah elektronegatif, ia akan larut dalam air. ATP merupakan pembekal kepada fosforus dalam proses penangkapan ini. Apabila gula dah masuk ke dalam sel, jadi ia perlu dipecahkan. Maka, di sini dapat kita lihat kecerdikan sel itu untuk menukar bentuk gula tersebut supaya jadi simetri/sama tengah untuk senang dipotong. Langkah pertama sel akan buat ialah hantar enzim fosfofruktoisomerase yang akan cepatkan proses tukar bentuk ini. Jadi sekarang sudah ada bentuk yang sama tengah. Tak cukup dengan itu, nak bagi sama lagi, sel akan hantar satu lagi enzim untuk tambahkan satu lagi fosforus pada hujung molekul gula supaya ia betul-betul jadi simetri sama dua-dua belah.


Sabtu, 10 Mac 2012

Terjemahan Buku - Ibnu Rusyd

ابن رشد

ابن رشد۱۱۲۶-۱۱٩٨م
هو ابو الولد محمد بن احمد بن رشد، ولد في قرطبة في بيت اشتهر بالعلم والفقه: فكان جده من اشهر اهل زمانه تضليعا في الفقه، وقد ولي منصب قاضي القضاة في الاندلس. وكان والده قاضي قرطبة. درس ابن رشد الشريعة على الطريقة الاشعرية، والفقه على المذهب المالكي. ثم درس الطب والرياضيات والحكمة. وفي عام ۱۱۵۳ م دعاه عبد المؤمن، اول الملك المواحدين، الى مراكش ليعاونه على انشاء معاهد هناك. ثم اتصل بأبناء زهر، من مشاهر الاطباء. ووضع ابن رشد كتاباً في الطب اسماه -الكليات

Ibnu Rusyd (1126 – 1197 masihi)[72 tahun]
Beliau adalah Abu al-Walid Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Rusyd, lahir di Cordova (Andalusia) dalam keluarga yang terkenal dengan keilmuan dan mahir dalam ilmu fiqh. Datuknya merupakan tokoh ternama pada zamannya dalam ilmu fiqih; karenanya beliau telah dilantik menjadi qadhi (hakim) di Andalus. Beliau (Ibn Rusyd) mempelajari syariah mengikut landasan Asya’irah dan ilmu feqah mengikut aliran Maliki. Beliau juga mempelajari ilmu perubatan, ilmu matematik, dan ilmu intelek. Pada tahun 1153 masihi, beliau telah dijemput oleh Abdul Mu’min[1]; penguasa Kerajaan Al-Muwahhidun; ke Marakesh bagi membantuny dalam membangunkan pusat-pusat pengajian di sana. Beliau turut berkerjasama dengan Ibnu Zuhr, seorang pakar perubatan terkenal disampingnya beliau menghasilkan sebuah karya mengenai perubatan bertajuk “Al-Kulliyyat”.

وفي مراكش اتصل عن تريق ابن طفيل، بالخليفة ابي يعقوب يوسف عبد المؤمن، الذي كان ذا ثقافة واسعة ومحبا للعلم واهله. وكان هذا الخليفة قد اظهر رغبة امام ابن طفيل، في ان تفسر كتب ارسطو و تلخص لدفع الشك الذي كان يحوم حولها. ولما كان ابن طفيل متقدماً في السن طلب من ابن رشد ان يقوم بهذه المهمة. فأكب على دراسة ارسطو بكل جهد، وكان له علم سابق بفلسفته.

Dan di Marakesh beliau turut berhubung baik dengan Ibnu Tufail[2]; yang berkhidmat di bawah khalifah Abi Ya'qub Yusuf Abdul Mu'min [3], yang memiliki pengetahuan luas dan sangat menyangjungi ilmu. Khalifah turut memberi dorongan kepada Ibnu Tufail akan usahanya dalam menafsir banyak buku-buku serta meringkaskannya; bagi menolak hujah-hujah serta tanggapan buruk terhadap perbahasan-perbahasan (dalam analisisnya). Sehinggalah usianya lanjut; maka Ibnu Tufayl memberikan tugas tersebut kepada Ibnu Rusyd sebagai penggantinya. Maka dari situlah Ibnu Rusyd tekun mempelajari bidang falsafah terutamanya dalam pemikiran Aristotle.

وفي عام ۱۱۶٩ م عينه الخليفة قاضياً في اشبيلية. فلخص ابن رشد في هذه السنة ((كتاب الحيوان)) لارسطو. وفي عام ۱۱٨۱ م عينه ابويعقوب قاضيا في قرطبة، وبقي في هذا المنصب مدة تزيد على العشر سنوات، شرح فيها ((كتاب ما بعد الطبيعة)) لارسطو وعدة كتب اخرى. و في عام ۱۱٨۲ م استدعاه الخليفة الى مراكش وجعله طبيبه الخاص، ثم اعاده الى قرطبة بوظيفة قاضي القاضة

Pada tahun 1169 Masihi beliau (Ibnu Rusyd) dilantik oleh khalifah sebagai hakim di Sevilla. Tatkala beliau berkhidmat beliau menghasilkan sebuah ringkasan [Nota: Talkhis: Komentar ringkas; Tafsir: Komentar panjang] (tahun yang sama) terhadap buku Aristotle bertajuk “Buku Haiwan [History of Animals]”. Pada tahun 1171 Masihi beliau telah diminta berkhidmat sebagai Hakim di Cordova oleh Khalifah Abu Ya’qub dan berkhidmat di sana selama 10 tahun; dan dalam tempoh tersebut beliau menghasilkan komentar pada karya Aristotle “Potentuality and Actuality –Pent.” dan banyak karya-karya lainnya. Pada tahun 1186 Masihi, Khalifah memanggilnya ke Marakesh untuk berkhidmat sebagai doktor peribadi khalifah dan kemudiannya kembali berkhidmat di Cordova dalam kehakiman.

وبعد وفاة ابي يعقوب خلفه ابنه ابو يوسف الملقب بالمنصور م فلقي ابن رشد في بادئ الامر، ما لقي على يدي والده من خطوة اكرام، واصبح في ذلك الزمان (( سلطان العقول والافكار، لا رأي الا رأيه، ولا قول الا قوله)) الامر الذي اثار حسد الفقهاء والمتزمتين وحقدهم الذين رموه بالكفر و الزندقة. فتمكنوا من قلب الخليفة عليه.

Selepas kewafatan Khalifah Abu Ya'qub, jawatan tersebut berpindah kepada anaknya, Abu Yusuf atau dikenali dengan nama Al-Mansur. Pada awal penguasaannya, khalifah masih lagi mengekalkan corak pemerintahan bapanya, namun ia telah bertukar apabila-semua pandangan dan buah fikiran adalah tertakluk kepada pemerintah-tambahan pula iri hati yang berbekas dikalangan ahli fiqh dan golongan ortodoks; menghukumnya sebagai kufur dan pembid'ah. Lambat laun, persepsi ini mendapat tempat di hati khalifah; langsung merubah pandangannya terhadap Ibnu Rusyd.

فنقم على ابن رشد واستجوبه فقهاء قرطبة وقضاتها، وقرروا ان تعاليمه كفر محض، ولعنوا من يقرأها، وقضوا على صاحبها بالنفي. فنفي الى قرية تدعى اليسانة، على مسافة نحو خمسين كيلومترًا الى الجنوب الشرقي من قرطبة. وامر الخليفة بحرق كتب ابن رشد وكتب الفلسفة، وحظر الاشتغال بالفلسفة والعلوم جملة، ما عدا الطب وعلم النجوم وعلم الحساب

Maka prasangka itu terpendam lalu, khalifah berbincang dan bermesyuarat bersama para hakim dan ahli fiqh di Cordova tentang perihal Ibnu Rusyd; dan mereka memutuskan bahawa Ibnu Rushd terjatuh kafir-nau’dzubillah-pent.-dan mengeji akan sesiapa yang membacanya (akan tulisan-tulisan Ibnu Rusyd); tetapi Ibnu Rusyd menafikannya. Lantas, beliau dihukum buang negeri; maka beliau pergi ke perkampungan bernama Lucena, jarak sekitar 50 km selatan timur Cordova. Khalifah telah memerintahkan supaya segala tulisan-tulisan falsafah dan ilmu kalam Ibnu Rusyd dibakar, melainkan tulisan beliau dalam ilmu perubatan, astrologi dan matematik sahaja.


[1] Abd al-Mu'min (1094–1163)seorang berketurunan Muslim Barbar yang menjadi khalifah pertama kerajaan Al-Muwahhidun [sunni] (1130-1163) yang berpusat di Marrakesh (Morocco).

[2] Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Abd al-Malik ibn Muhammad ibn Tufail al-Qaisi al-Andalusi (1105-1185) dilahir di Granada; merupakan anak murid kepada Ibnu Bajjah. Berkhidmat sebagai pakar perubatan diraja kerana kemahirannyya dalam pembedahan dan autopsi, sehingga persaraannya digantikan oleh Ibnu Rusyd.

[3]Yusuf I merupakan khalifah kedua kekhalifahan al-muwahhidun.

*Rujukan: Kitāb Fasl al-Maqāl wa Taqrīru mā bayna al-syarīah wa al-hikmah min al-ittisol; Abi Al-walid Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Rusyd: Daar al-Masyriq, Beirut.

Rabu, 1 Februari 2012

4 Simple Steps To Be An Active Student


Are you a passive student? With these 4 simple steps, you can change your studying style. Its not good to be passive; be proactive and enthusiast! Insya-Allah you'll succeed in everything you do. I just read that article, therefore I would like to share it.

#1. Lecture Preview.

Think like we are on war, with loaded arms and ready for an assault. This step will make student A different from average students. Spend 20-30 minutes before lecture session start. You might know what will be discussed in the lecture; do not come in class empty. Try to get some ideas. Advantage: You'll learn almost 90% of the topics than your friend in class.

You'll make a blur face, if you come empty. "duhh~" "what the heck?"

#2. Ask question(s).

Come to class with your mind set: questioning. Can be applied in any situation whether reading a book or etc., with questioning in yourself. In lecture session, provided you done the #1, you are now should have questions, do ask lecturer for clarification. Do not ask lame question. If you make revision do ask your friend for help. If you ask, then you understand.

"Why U no Ask Question? So clever aa.."

#3. Sit in front.

This is a taboo especially male students; it's not cool to sit infront, its for nerds.No,no. That is not a good habit to practice. You came to class to learn. To gain knowledge. To 'download' the knowledge from your teacher. As I mention before; you are on war. Be the front line; with honour and dignity. Sitting in front is a discipline. And you'll get a full attention on the lectures.

"Dare to accept this challenge?"

#4. Add-up

Try to make effort to search for extra material. This will expand your knowledge and you'll get a bigger picture what is the lecture all about. Have some time to meet your teacher (out from class).

Follow these steps you'll be no.1 student in no time

TIPS: Try to create a connection between what you have learned to your surrounding; try to imagine with your own imagination to help your understanding!



The Rawatib Sunnah Prayer (Hadith Index)


Insya-Allah, I will discuss more about the Sunnah Rawatib; which I decided to sort of Hadith that I have searched to clarify and to more ease for reference. In earlier post, which under the same subject, I did not emphasize so much about the matn and lafzh (textual and contextual) of the Hadith (because the book does not mention the text of the hadith). Therefore, I try my best to list out all hadith with some explanation to get a clear picture.

1. Hadith about the importance of Sunnah Rawatib; From Ummu Habibah Radiallahuanha, wive of the Prophet SAW, reported that, Rasulullah said;

عَنْ أُمِّ حَبِيبَةَ زَوْجِ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ أَنَّهَا قَالَتْ: سَمِعْتُ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يَقُولُ :

( مَا مِنْ عَبْدٍ مُسْلِمٍ يُصَلِّي لِلَّهِ كُلَّ يَوْمٍ ثِنْتَيْ عَشْرَةَ رَكْعَةً تَطَوُّعًا غَيْرَ فَرِيضَةٍ إِلَّا بَنَى اللَّهُ لَهُ بَيْتًا فِي الْجَنَّةِ أَوْ إِلَّا بُنِيَ لَهُ بَيْتٌ فِي الْجَنَّةِ )

{"There would be no Muslim performing prayer in the name of Allah 12 raka'at in a day for tathawwu' and not fardhu, unless Allah will build for him/her a house in the jannah (heaven). Hadith Riwayah Muslim."}

In riwayah of Tirmidzi and An-Nasa-i, the 12 raka'at are referred to 4 raka'at before Zuhr, 2 raka'at after Zuhr, 2 raka'at after Maghrib, 2 raka'at after Isha' and 2 raka'at before Subuh. [Status: Shahih Hadith]. From the hadith, Allah promised that to whom that continuously or maintain to perform 12 raka'at Sunnah Rawatib in a day, verily, Allah will reward him/her a house in Jannah.

2. Hadith about the priority of Sunnah Rawatib Subuh prayer; From 'Aisyah Radiallahuanha, from Rasulullah SAW, he said;

وَعَنْ عَائِشَةَ رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهَا عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ : « رَكْعَتَا الْفَجْرِ خَيْرٌ مِنَ الدُّنْيَا وَمَا فِيهَا » .

وَفي روايةٍ لِمُسْلِم : « لَهُمَا أَحَبُّ إِلَيَّ مِنَ الدُّنْيَا جَمِيعاً » .

{"Those 2 raka'at is more I love than that in the world and all that bear in it"}

[Status: Shahih Hadith] Riwayah Muslim. This Hadith asy-syareef shows that the sunnah fajr is strongly recommended to be performed by all Muslim because the Prophet Muhammad SAW oftenly and love to do the prayer. As a good muslim; who loves the beloved prophet, we should try our best to do whatever Rasulullah SAW do; -may Allah guide us.

(insya-Allah, I'll continue this post later, 2 hadith for now-humble author)

Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

Another lovely day


Alhamdulillah, once again, Allah gives me chance to live in this beautiful world; today just a wonderful day to me. The sun shine just fine; not too warm, giving me inspirational to keep the pace of "Keep Your Head High, Move Forward, Work Harder". Today I got a personal trainer for my physical fitness. He has arranged for me a 2-weeks weight loss program and to reduce amount of fat. This is not only for my health today, but for the future. He emphasize that we need to develop our muscle strength from now on to reduce the effect of osteoporosis in old days.

So, the program started from yesterday evening which involved jogging and muscle workouts. This is my first time I felt so drained and extremely tired. What would you expect? A non-fit coach potato forced to do some crunches 5 sets non-stop? I find myself vomited. Glad I just ate some cookies; if I had a larger meal...may be all the ingested will come out. But, as for 2012 and for the theme, I try my best to fulfill all the workouts. I have to work harder. I promised myself.

Today (As I'm writing) is a holiday for Federal day (Hari Wilayah) applied to all citizen around Kuala Lumpur. Ah, what a lovely day. I thank Allah for giving me such opportunity to have a good friends that supported me whenever I needed. Okay, I'll stop here for now. I just planned to go to Putra World Trade Center for a Book Fare.

My achievement today:

1. Pray Subh Prayer with Sunnah Fajr (alhamdulillah; may Allah guide me to practice Sunnah)
2. Physical workouts
3. Filled my morning with benefits.
"Umat Islam Harus Bekerja Hari Ini Mesti Lebih Baik Dari Semalam"

(The Humble author)


The Rawatib Sunnah Prayer


Insya-Allah, in this entry I want to share my understanding based on a book which I bought it about 2 years ago! Since I’m not good enough in memorizing I decided to analyze one chapter of the book; with my understanding. This book is entitled ‘Panduan Lengkap Shalat Empat Mazhab’ or can be translated as ‘Concise Guide of Prayers According to the 4 Schools’ which is written by Syaikh Abdul Qadir Ar-Rahbawi. The version of the book may vary; but mine is published by Pustaka Al-Kautsar based in Jakarta.

The chapter that I would to analyze is under the title of: “Rawatib Sunnah Prayers”. Basically, sunnah rawatib is the prayer that are performed before or after a Fardhu Prayer (compulsory prayers); with some explanation that I’m about to discuss. Refer to page 275.

Sunnah Rawatib prayers can be categorized into 2; which is muakkad (strongly recommended, i.e. Rasulullah SAW performed the prayer so often) and ghair muakkad (not strongly recommended as in muakkad, i.e. Rasulullah SAW do perform the prayer but sometime, he did not).

Muakkad prayer: The strongest opinion is consists of 10 raka’at. This include;

  • 2 raka’at before Subuh (Fajr prayer)
  • 2 raka’at before Zuhr (Noon prayer)
  • 2 raka’at after Zuhr
  • 2 raka’at after Maghrib (dawn prayer)
  • 2 raka’at after Isya’ (Night prayer)

So that’s all make 10 raka’at. Other than listed, are called Mustahabbah (which mean optional; do at your will and rewarded). Next, I would like to explain overall sunnah rawatib prayer that performed by our Prophet Salallahu 'Alaihi wassalam both muakkad and ghair muakkad.

1. Sunnah Fajr: This prayer is perform before the compulsory Subuh prayer. This prayer is the strongest recommended to every Muslim should not miss, because Rasulullah SAW continuously perform Sunnah Fajr throughout his life. [Remember: In Ibadah, we should follow the guidance from Allah and the Sunnah; because Allah is the one who hear our dua'; He is the one who accept our Ibadah; and we must do as His commanded upon us, not fabricating our own Ibadah.] From Ummul mukminin, Aishah radiallahuanha reported that, from Rasulullah SAW he said, {"Those two raka'at (sunnah fajr) is the more I love than that in the world and all that bear in it".} [Note: Please recheck the translation, I try my best to translate accurately] Hadith Riwayah Ahmad and Muslim.

2. Sunnah Zuhr: Four raka'at before the Zuhr prayer and four raka'at after. This is according to hadith from Ummu Habibah Radiallahuanha; reported that Rasulullah SAW said, {"Whoever that perform 4 raka'at prayer before Zuhr, and another 4 raka'at after; Allah will forbid those (who perform the prayer) from the hellfire"} Hadith Riwayah the five Imams. But as I mention earlier, the muakkad prayer is 2 raka'at before and another 2 after Zuhr. It means, this one is mustahhab (optional) but recommended to do 2 raka'at -Wallahu'alam. This fact can be referred to one of the hadith from Abdullah bin Umar Radiallahuanhuma, he said, "{I memorized from Nabi Salallahu 'Alayhi Wa salam the ten raka'at; two before Zuhr, two after it, 2 after Maghrib, 2 after Isya' and 2 before Subuh" }Hadith Riwayah Al-Bukhari and Ahmad. [Status: Sanad jayyid]. But Hanafiyyah school regarded 4 raka'at before the Zuhr prayer is Muakkad (Strongly recommended). It is up to you which one to choose. As long as we implement sunnah of our beloved Prophet SAW!

3. Sunnah Ashar: This prayer is ghair muakkad. (Can perform at will; and Rasulullah sometime did not perform) This is based from a hadith from Ibnu Umar, he said that Rasulullah SAW said, {"Allah will give blessings for those who perform 4 raka'at prayer before Ashar."} Hadith Riwayah Ahmad, Abu Dawood. [Status: Regarded as Hassan by At-tirmidzi]

4. Sunnah Maghrib: 2 raka'at after Maghrib are muakkad. One of the hadith from Abdullah bin Mughafal al-Muzani Radiallahu anhu, he said, Rasulullah SAW said, {"Do pray before Maghrib 2 raka'at, and 2 raka'at after maghrib for whoever willing to do so. Rasulullah mentioned that so that people would not misunderstand that it is sunnah muakkad"} Hadith Riwayah Asy-Syaikhani, Abu Dawood, and the lafzh (context) is from Abu Dawood.

5. Sunnah Isya': There is no objection among the School of thoughts that sunnah Isya' is muakkad; the 2 raka'at after Isya', but the number of raka'at that is not muakkad is still under debate. I simplify the opinions as listed:

  • Hanafiyah: Mustahhab 4 raka'at before and after Isya'. Hanabilah also agreed with this except 2 raka'at after Isya' instead.
  • Syafi'iyyah: Mustahhab 2 raka'at before and after Isya'.
  • Malikiyyah: They regarded exclusively the sunnah fajr as raghibah (recommended), others are mandub (optional).
End note: I have wrote an entry which list out the hadith that I have searched; but it may some difference regarding the total raka'at which is muakkad whether 12 or 10. But for me, it does not matter. It is up to us to choose which one of the opinion, as long as we try our best to follow the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW. Allahumma Shalli 'Alaa Muhammad Wa 'Alaa Aalihii Muhammad.

That's all for this topic.
Aquulu qawli hazaa wa astaghfirullah lii walakum;

Isnin, 30 Januari 2012

Today is a new day

Alhamdulillah, Allah swt gives me another opportunity to live in this world; to breath; to gasp the fresh air; to hear the chirping birds in the morning; to give me delicious food; Masya-Allah, what an endless nikma you gave to me. He gave me to straighten my path; to get back in track; to fulfill my ambitious dream; to get it right in all aspect of my life. Today is a big day for me yet a new day for me. To promise myself, I launched a program that aimed for: being a good person, a good friend and good students. All this is for myself. The theme for this year, 2012, I chose: "Keep Your Head High, Move Forward, Work Harder". I hope this may change my lifestyle and turn my self from a passive; pessimistic into an ambitious; workaholic, and enthusiastic person. May Allah guide me.

2011 has passed. With misery and my army had a big loss. But I have promised to myself to brace up, to wake from my ruined pass, whats happen just happen; passed has passed. 2012 is my glorious year for my life ever. From what I learned; those years that I have 'wasted' slowly wreck myself into the unimaginable failure. Thats why I wrote the poem entitle: "Is this the beginning of an end" just to express my regret the things that I've done. Alhamdulillah, I hope my plan work as planned. "we can plan, Allah will decide for us".

Today, I'm writing in a calm morning. The fajr was glitters with the rain drops. The weather is cool; not too hot; nor too cold; giving some motivational inspiration to work hard. Its just a wonderful day. What I promise to myself:

1. To get the 5 prayers done in a day; whatever it takes; the best is jamaa'ah.
2. To make less talkative; because the more you talk the higher possibility to make sin.
3. To be polite; upon everyone
4. To work harder; do not easily give up;
5. To do qiamullail as much as possible; to do the rawatib in every prayers (Insya-Allah)
6. To make an effort not to waste time;
7. To spend time less on social crap; i.e. facebook, etc.

As for now, these instructions I arranged to make myself follow just for today as a start. Further instructions will be announced to myself later. As for catalyzing my progress I bought 2 books from my favourite bookstore, MPH, titled: 'Happiness Genes and '60 quick tips for Getting Organized. I hope this program will continue and the progress will make me a better person and a good Muslim. Ganbate-neh!

Aquulu qawli haza, Wa astaghfirullah lii walakum;
Wassalaamualiakum warahmatullah hiwabarakaatuh.

(Humble author)

Poem of the day


After all these years,

I felt like my life is kind of a waste,

I felt like I betrayed myself;

Not to mention peoples around me,

I don’t know how this happening to me,

In everything I do,

I merely never succeed;

Why? Why? Please answer me, please!

If I could undo all the things that I’ve done,

I swear that; I’ll do whatever it takes,

But even my apologies;

Couldn’t repent my deeds, where should I go?

I’m a person with all glorious success, once,

But end up like this; I’m slowly fading away;

I’ve fell; just like the Spanish Saracen faced;

Could I survive this battle?

Why am I doing all wrong?

Why? Why?

It just like a looping tape; playing it over and over again;

Am I born to fail? Fail? What a wasted person…

Please, could someone out there answer me, please!

Help me!

Felt guilty every single time of my life?

When this suffering will come to an end?

This poem (I don't know, a modern poem) I made for myself to repent all my deeds in the past.